Your M&S Hearing Test

Your M&S Hearing Test

Free hearing health check

If you are experiencing hearing loss or you have noticed changes in your hearing it's time for a hearing test. At M&S Opticians, we want to offer you the best in hearing care, making it easy to check on your ear health. That’s why we offer two types of hearing tests; a hearing screening and a full hearing assessment, depending on your individual needs.

M&S Opticians our Hearing Aid Audiologists will give you a free consultation, review your hearing test results and if required discuss what types of technology would be best for your needs and lifestyle.

You can find everything you need to know about free hearing tests below. Book your appointment with us online today.

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Free hearing check


Hearing screening

A hearing screening is a quick hearing test that you either pass or fail. We recommend an annual hearing screening for anyone over 50 and every two years for anyone over 40. We include a hearing screening in every eye test for people over 40 years of age so you can take care of your eyes and ears in one smooth appointment.

This is a quick and simple test to gauge your levels of hearing. We will simply play you a series of sounds at different frequencies to understand if you have any hearing impairment. If the results suggest you may have a hearing loss, we will undertake a full hearing assessment for further investigation.


Hearing Screening


Hearing health check

A hearing health check is a more thorough assessment of your overall hearing health to understand what changes have occurred in your hearing and what we can do to address your hearing loss.

It's a good idea to bring a friend or family member to this appointment, as a familiar voice is a useful reference during your hearing assessment. Below is a brief outline of what to expect during the appointment.

  • Starting with a short discussion - Our Hearing Aid Audiologist will discuss your general health and any specific hearing problems you may be experiencing. They will also talk to you about your lifestyle to understand where your hearing loss is impacting you most
  • Checking the health of the ears (Otoscopy) - The Hearing Aid Audiologist will first check the overall health of the ears using an otoscope, to ensure that there are no blockages (from wax) or abnormalities in the outer ear causing the hearing loss. If we find any issues at this stage, our Hearing Aid Audiologist will refer you to your GP for further investigation
  • Check your level of hearing (Audiometry) - We will then check your level of hearing using an audiometer. This plays a series of sounds at various volumes and frequencies to determine the type of hearing loss you have


Hearing Assessment


Getting your results

The Hearing Aid Audiologist will clearly explain the results of the test to you and the solutions that will help with your level of hearing loss.

At this point, the Hearing Aid Audiologist may fit a hearing aid to demonstrate the difference they can make to your lifestyle.

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Common questions

Do you need a hearing test?


Do you need a hearing test?

If you're experiencing difficulty hearing or have noticed changes in your hearing, it's important to schedule a hearing test. Hearing loss can have a significant impact on your life, making it difficult to communicate with others and enjoy everyday activities. At your free hearing test, our experienced audiologists will assess your hearing and provide personalised recommendations to help improve your hearing health.



What happens during a hearing test?

Our Hearing Audiologists are dedicated to helping you understand your hearing health and providing personalised recommendations to improve your hearing. To suit your needs we offer two types of hearing tests; a hearing screening and a full hearing assessment.


What happens during a hearing test?
Can I bring a friend of family member?


Can I bring a family member or a friend?

Don't hesitate to ask someone for support, as it can make a significant difference in ensuring the best possible outcome for your hearing test.



Why choose M&S Opticians for your hearing test?

  • Highly trained and experienced Audiologists who understand your needs and provide personalised recommendations
  • We use state-of-the-art equipment to identify mild hearing impairments
  • Offering a range of hearing solutions to suit your lifestyle and needs including the latest technology and invisible styles 


Why choose M&S Opticians?

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