M&S Contact Lenses

Contact Lenses

All about contact lenses

Contact lenses offer more freedom, whether that’s being able to exercise without worrying about your glasses falling off or not having to second-guess if your glasses match your outfit. You can wear them every day, for certain activities or just for special occasions. Plus, you’ll no longer need to worry about glasses fog or having to wipe your glasses down in the rain.

We are dedicated to providing you with the latest in lens technology for daily, fortnightly and monthly disposable contact lenses. Visit one of our stores and our optician will help you try contact lenses to fit you and your lifestyle perfectly.


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Try contact lenses 

Start the new year off right with contact lenses  


If you've take up a new sport or simply want an alternative to your glasses, contact lenses can give you the freedom you're looking for. 


Give your local store a call to arrange a contact lens assessment today. 


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